Vitamin C Benefits for Health

 Vitamin C Benefits  for Health

   Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands, promotes better absorption of iron and normal hematopoiesis. Large doses of vitamin C pills are useful for heavy smokers, women using contraception drugs for the elderly and athletes. Note that vitamin C - also a powerful antioxidant.

   If you get tired quickly, you have bleeding gums, often sick, then your body exactly lacking in vitamin c. However, be careful not to overdo it: the overdose of the liver and pancreas.

  Vitamin C is found in the wild rose, black currant, mountain ash, buckthorn, citrus fruits, red pepper, horseradish, parsley, green onions, dill, watercress, red cabbage, potatoes, rutabaga, cabbage.

  The optimal dose of vitamin C for adults 55-108 mg, pregnant and lactating women are not advised to take more than 70-80 mg for infants optimal dose - 30-40 mg.

Buckwheat Diet with Kefir

Buckwheat Diet with Kefir

  Glass of buckwheat pour boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. Cooking is not necessary. In the morning, drain the water - and the porridge is ready to eat. Porridge should eat during the day - without salt, spices and sauces.

   You can pour yogurt with 1% fat in an amount of not more than one day to one liter. Do not eat within 3-4 hours before bedtime, but if you are hungry, it is permissible cup of yogurt with water half.

   You can not zaparivat rump, and cook without adding, of course, no salt, no oil. When it leaves part of trace elements and vitamins.

   So, on an empty stomach in the morning drink a glass of hot water with a spoon of honey and two slices of lemon. Then eat one third of porridge. You can drink the natural vegetable juice: pumpkin, beetroot, tomato without salt and sugar. At lunch and dinner, eat up the remaining mess.

Small breasts benefits

Small breasts benefits 

   Little accurate breast - it's amazing feminine and sexy. Its owner will always look gentle and fragile. Do you believe that all men prefer at least the 4th dimension? Wrong. Yes, the big bust many admirers, but much of it has not yet crossed the threshold of age. Mature man with a developed aesthetic sense often prefer medium breasts or even a very modest amount. Yes, it is the one that fits in the palm of your hand. In general, older than men and better versed in women, the less sense it attaches size.
   Much more important is the shape. A thousand times better to have beautiful breasts zero or first dimension than the ugly - the fifth. Equally important are the proportions. If the zero-size bust you have a large physique, you will diet and gym. Small breasts longer retains its attractiveness. It will not deform under its own weight and even after childbirth remains seductively supple.

   Small breasts - it is incredibly comfortable! It does not cause discomfort when walking, does not interfere engage in the gym for a morning jog, and sleep in his favorite pose. In hot weather, a small bust holders suffer much less than the proud bearer of the fifth the size of the breast.

At Home Pedicure

 At Home Pedicure

Preparing for a pedicure
Before you start to do a pedicure, you must prepare your feet to erase the old nail polish, if it exists. Nail polish remover without acetone is better to choose.

There are various trays with different modes of operation, I personally like the vibration-bubble mode. Legs massaged, relax, relieves fatigue, swelling in general, legs completely relax and rest.

Once legs rested and soaked without wiping them thoroughly rub them foot scrub and a good massage. Pay special attention to Hardened parts (corn, for example) and the area between the fingers, then rinse and dry scrub feet soft towel.

Pedicure is cut and uncut. First we remove the cuticle. If you prefer to cut pedicure - then cut the cuticle special tweezers or scissors. If you prefer uncut, then apply a special oil, leave a few minutes and did not move the cuticle orange stick.

nail Form
From nail files, create the desired shape of the nail.

Before you apply varnish, carefully remove the nail cream with nail polish remover, put a separator finger for your own convenience and proceed to nail polish. Well that's all, pedicure ready! And the time it takes a bit.

Electronic cigarettes help you quit smoking? - part 2

Continued post  Electronic cigarettes help you quit smoking?

  Cons of e-cigarette:

1. Nicotine content in a single dose of the electronic cigarette is usually larger than advertised.

2. Started using an electronic cigarette, you will most likely not be able to get rid of the habit of smoking, rather the opposite - the so-called addicted to combined consumption, that is not able to give up not only cigarettes, but also on the electron.

3. Electronic cigarette in some cases can cause health problems: allergic reactions, difficulty breathing.

4. According to statistics, one third of adolescents who have tried the electronic cigarette, have not smoked at all.

Electronic cigarettes help you quit smoking?

Electronic cigarettes help you quit smoking?

Pluses of the electronic cigarette:

1. Man who replaced the usual electronic cigarette no longer annoying yourself and others the constant smell of smoke from his mouth, from clothes and hands.

2. People who smoke electronic cigarette stops roughen the skin and yellowing teeth stopped.

3. People using the electronic cigarette, there was an overall improvement in health - for example, to facilitate breathing.

4. As mentioned earlier, the electronic cigarette helps to simulate the process of smoking. Due to the fact that the person is dependent on smoking not only physically, but also psychologically (the smoker needs to feel a cigarette in hand, talking while smoking with friends ...), this is the biggest advantage of the electronic cigarette.

5. Electronic cigarette makes those around the smoker from passive smoking.

to be continued ...

Why does caries ?

Why does caries ?

  Caries - the most common disease on earth. 99% of all mankind suffer from tooth decay. There are whole nations who are not familiar with caries. For example, Eskimos and Hunza tribe living in the South Pamir.
Scientists still can not understand the reason for this phenomenon, as well as the exact cause of the decay. To date, about four hundred proposed theories of the mechanism of its appearance. The earliest hypothesis dates back to antiquity.

   Blame microbes?
   Avicenna once suggested that to blame the worm gnaws moves in the teeth. However, no worms in the mouth of patients it could not be found. So what leads to the formation of dental caries?
Modern scholars have argued that the main enemy of dental health - the microorganisms that live in the mouth. These microbes secrete organic acids that erode tooth enamel. The main power supply of bacteria - glucose. It is proved that the consumption of fluorine-containing products and the use of fluoride toothpaste twice reduce the risk of tooth decay.

  Dentists recommend that you include in your daily diet of solid foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables. They do not just saturate the body with vitamins, but also clean the teeth. That poor hygiene often leads to tooth decay.

  Not to have to fight tooth decay, you need time to think about its prevention. Careful hygiene and nutrition can help maintain the health of teeth. In addition, you can refer to modern technology.

As after the aircraft tidy ears?

As after the aircraft tidy ears?

    When boarding the airplane pressure increases. Healthy people may not notice the changes, while colds are experiencing severe pain in the ears. Due to swelling of the Eustachian tube is blocked and the pressure can not be equalized.
    Flight attendants are advised to swallow. Mark sour candy, which will cause excessive salivation and swallowing. For a kid - a bottle of drink.

   As after the aircraft tidy ears:
1 yawn
2 insert fingers in his ears and quickly push them
3 curling ears,
4 sour candy
5 salt water.

   The plane starts to fall for forty minutes before landing. To equalize the pressure necessary to open his mouth, ears and insert headphones or earplugs.

Dangerous if dysbiosis ?

  Dangerous if dysbiosis ?

   In today's pace of life in almost 90% of the population in varying degrees occurs violation microflora, which carries the danger of such a state as goiter. Everyone knows that his faithful companions are often digestive problems that make some discomfort in our everyday lives. But few people know that, in addition to active participation in digestion, microflora performs other important functions, the violation of which can lead to serious illness.

  Playing a vital role in the digestive process and metabolism, beneficial bacteria perform a protective function and support our immune system. They, inter alia, some synthesized amino acids and vitamins necessary facilitate detoxification and drugs, toxins, and preservatives. Violation of microflora may result in the inability of beneficial microorganisms to fully implement all of the above functions.

  Therefore, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps, bloating, general discomfort and weakness, should be a signal to take immediate action.

How to quit smoking? My method

How to quit smoking? My method

       For several years, the body slowly and stubbornly rebuilt, and now we should run a reverse, but at the same time accelerated the process. And no patches, chewable tablets do not need, do without the help of psychologists and especially electronic cigarettes.

    My experience was a smoker for more than ten years, exactly the same time I do not smoke. Follow my advice and enjoy life without cigarettes embezzlement, dymopuskaniya and dizziness in the mornings from the first puff.

   Decide for yourself norm needs of cigarettes a day and subtract from her cigarette. The task is simple: to distribute the remaining cigarettes a day. Let the body gets used to the limit. In fact, this would be easy, sometimes you will even be extra cigarettes. Time to get used is not installed, it all depends on your body.
Once accustomed to this norm, again minus one cigarette.

  For those who drink alcoholic beverages, the process of quitting smoking may last a little longer. High tempted to reach for a cigarette while drinking.