Detox Diet

Detox Diet

  Drowsiness, chronic fatigue, apathy, frequent headaches, acne - it's only a few signs of slagging of the organism. And deal with it helps very popular now detox diet. The most optimal time for detoxification - is early spring, when the body lacks vitamins and suffers from a lack of sunlight. Suitable for detox diet and autumn, rich in fruits and vegetables. It not only helps to remove toxins from the body, but also lose weight.

  But you need to diet to prepare in advance. It is necessary to limit the fried, fatty, sweet one month before detoxification. And two weeks before the Diet to pass solely on fruits, vegetables and herbs.
Observing the detox diet, every morning fasting should drink a glass of warm water with lemon, and in the evening do not eat after 18-19 hours. Permitted to eat broccoli, beets, grapes, carrots, apples, asparagus, bell pepper, banana, sea kale, pomegranates, prunes (incidentally, prunes slimming suits can be very useful), citrus fruits, and grains and sprouts of grass. Banned flour, sweet, fat, fast food, canned products deep processing, coffee, alcohol and sugar.