Dangerous if dysbiosis ?

  Dangerous if dysbiosis ?

   In today's pace of life in almost 90% of the population in varying degrees occurs violation microflora, which carries the danger of such a state as goiter. Everyone knows that his faithful companions are often digestive problems that make some discomfort in our everyday lives. But few people know that, in addition to active participation in digestion, microflora performs other important functions, the violation of which can lead to serious illness.

  Playing a vital role in the digestive process and metabolism, beneficial bacteria perform a protective function and support our immune system. They, inter alia, some synthesized amino acids and vitamins necessary facilitate detoxification and drugs, toxins, and preservatives. Violation of microflora may result in the inability of beneficial microorganisms to fully implement all of the above functions.

  Therefore, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps, bloating, general discomfort and weakness, should be a signal to take immediate action.