Buckwheat Diet with Kefir

Buckwheat Diet with Kefir

  Glass of buckwheat pour boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. Cooking is not necessary. In the morning, drain the water - and the porridge is ready to eat. Porridge should eat during the day - without salt, spices and sauces.

   You can pour yogurt with 1% fat in an amount of not more than one day to one liter. Do not eat within 3-4 hours before bedtime, but if you are hungry, it is permissible cup of yogurt with water half.

   You can not zaparivat rump, and cook without adding, of course, no salt, no oil. When it leaves part of trace elements and vitamins.

   So, on an empty stomach in the morning drink a glass of hot water with a spoon of honey and two slices of lemon. Then eat one third of porridge. You can drink the natural vegetable juice: pumpkin, beetroot, tomato without salt and sugar. At lunch and dinner, eat up the remaining mess.