What are the symptoms of asthma in adults ?

What are the symptoms of asthma in adults ?

    The patient is experiencing dyspnea, as the muscles in his bronchi and significantly reduced lumen narrows the airways. Man making a short and shallow breath, followed by a hard and long exhalation of breath (dyspnea expiratory character is).

    Due to the fact that it is very difficult to breathe, a person is forced to engage in additional breathing muscles. This he does unconsciously, and takes a characteristic pose, in which an experienced physician recognizes the beginning of an attack from afar: man hands heavily rests on a hard surface (usually a windowsill or table), and his legs wide apart at the same time.

   Loud wheezing, which can be heard at a considerable distance from the man. They occur during exhalation and are whistling character.

   Because people very annoying all the respiratory muscles, and the air does not have time to enter the lungs through the bronchial constriction, it is possible to detect the retraction of intercostal spaces.
Due to lack of oxygen the skin becomes cyanotic ().

Serevent Inhaler (Salmeterol) for asthma